The Dark Ops Mastery calling card in Black Ops 6 Zombies might seem daunting, but the truth is, achieving it is more accessible than many players realize. You don't need to complete every single Dark Ops challenge; only 15 are required to unlock the coveted Mastery. This opens up the possibility for players of varying skill levels to obtain it, focusing on completing easier challenges.
One of the challenges discussed is "Light Them Up," which requires eliminating 10 Elites in a single game while they are ignited by Napalm Burst. The recommended strategy involves playing in Directed Mode to exploit the endless Elite spawns. The player uses an un-upgraded ASG shotgun with specific augments – Big Game and another minor augment (screenshot provided in the video for reference). The technique involves gathering zombies, shooting one with Napalm Burst to ignite the Elite, and then quickly eliminating the ignited Elite with fully upgraded GS45s.
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The video emphasizes the importance of tracking progress, although Dark Ops challenges cannot be tracked in the in-game menu. Frustrating, yes, but not a deal-breaker. The creator also shares a useful tip for manipulating Elite spawns in Directed Mode: saving and quitting can reset the type of Elite that spawns, allowing players to target specific Elites needed for challenges or Nebula grinding.
Another Dark Ops challenge covered is related to the Void Sheath augment for the Ether Shroud ability. This challenge, called "Kinoi," requires killing an Elite, two Special zombies (like Doppelgangers), and three regular zombies in a single use of Void Sheath. The strategy involves playing on Citadel de Moore to acquire the Lion Sword, which makes dispatching enemies easier. Prioritizing armor plates and Juggernog is important for survivability while kiting the Amalgam. The Void Sheath augment increases the duration of the ability, which can be further extended by melee kills, granting more time to complete the challenge.
The key takeaway is that Dark Ops Mastery is attainable through strategic challenge selection and smart gameplay. Players who were previously intimidated by the perceived difficulty of all Dark Ops challenges can now approach the Mastery with a more focused and achievable goal.
If you're looking to level up fast and unlock everything the game has to offer, you might consider exploring bo6 bot lobby services to accelerate your progress.